Saturday, August 25, 2012

Raze / Raise - A Jeff Page Exhibit

     Hidden among the many buildings on Auraria Campus, many mistake the Emmanuel Gallery for a church.  In 1973 this historic church became part of the Auraria Campus and was transformed into an art gallery.  Currently Jeff Page, a Denver native, has a 14 piece exhibit showing until September 6th.  Page's work embodies the gay male subculture of Denver.  Most of these pieces are made of latex, pelts, and human hair.  

     The main attraction is the Raze the Roof piece that stands in the middle of the gallery.  This wooden structure, made of wood, acrylic, latex rubber, and human hair, allows the viewer to create their own meaning.  When standing near this piece of art, sound bites are heard in a loop.  Page recorded his creative process while making this exhibit, he also recorded sounds from various gay night clubs around Denver.  These recordings echo throughout the gallery creating an ambiance of loneliness in a crowd. 

   I encourage anyone in the area to check out this exhibit while they can.  Jeff Page will give a speech at the end of the exhibit on September 6.

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