Friday, May 10, 2013

Eight Modern Gallery Presents Dogs are Forever in Santa Fe, New Mexico

SANTA FE--Eight Modern Gallery has showcased artwork by Nancy Youdelman, entitled Dogs are Forever for several months.  The showing began April 12th and will end on May 18th.  Youdelman's dresses are unique creations that involve mold, plaster, and even pieces of her own hair.  On her dresses she starts with a plaster gauze that hardens to set the mold.  After it dries she begins the long process of attaching broaches, photographs, fabric, and buttons.  The old photographs that Youdelman put onto the finished dress molds were actually photographs of women with their dogs, showing the bond between animal and human. 

Youdelman talks about her workflow with her art. 
This is one of Youdelman's pieces, which features letters and photographs along the gold cast of the dress. 
Three onlookers admire the art. 
This man stares intently at the photos Youdelman chose to include on this dress. 
Margo Thoma, who helps run Eight Modern Gallery, smiles while speaking of Youdelman's impressive and unique presentation of art. 
A gallery visitor admires a dress while shoes wound with string and other materials frame the hallway. 

To view more of my work please visit my website or for more information please email